I've moved my links here so there is more room (and so people stop complaining)
The Metallica Club Homepage
A great place to check out Metallica, and join their club...
Encyclopedia Metallica
One of the largest Metallica sites on the net...Honestly...
Online chapter of The Metallica Club
My lil'Pantera Page
My friend's page on Pantera and more....
An excellent site with lots to see. Highly recommended...
The Metallica Realm
Another great Metallica Page....
Metallica S&M Page
A site that has the S&M CD on it....
My Lil' Waste of Space
Lil'Kat's page...My best Canadian friend...*LOL*
The Key West Homepage
One of the most gorgeous places on earth...

This is the best Ice Cream On Earth!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!
One of my favorite beverages...
One of the major foodgroups at Illinois State...